At present, gaming is one of the primary sources of entertainment, although it has been there for decades. And people spend an enormous amount of time and money on it. Video games are standing out in the gaming industry. They have made sure that they are here to stay.
Gaming has become a large part of the internet. So, you have to understand the basics if you want to get along with the online world. Let us look into the facts and statistics about the gaming world.
Standard Gamer is 35-44 Years Old
The survey is about the people who play games overall. It is not how many hours someone is playing. Or how intensely someone is playing. Average gamers use to play when they have free time. You can say they play for a few hours a week.
The people playing League of legends and Fortnite are not the average gamers. There are people of every generation who are playing games. And around 6% of the gamers are over 65.
Increase in CAGR
The video game industry is expanding day by day. There is a chance that people will spend $4.5 million on online video games. Also, it will improve the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) between 2020 and 2025 to 12%.
Virtual reality (VR) games will play a vital role in it. Apart from that, there will be a constant increase in mobile gaming, video consoles, blockchain tools for games, growing internet penetration, and many more.
Playing With Others
Games got invented with the thought of two players. Pong is a game which has two players. A lot of arcade games were built with two people in mind. Besides, the early consoles had the feature of two controllers. Still, the spirit of playing with others is in gaming.
According to ESA, around 65% of people prefer playing with others. It can either be their family members or a friend. Plus, people often meet for gaming purposes. Also, few people consider it the best way to get in touch with their loved ones.
Free-to-play Games
Everyone likes to indulge in free stuff. Free-to-play games are those in which one does not have to pay to play. Although, the developers can earn through ads and other in-game sales. And they are the best choice for gamers and non-gamers.
People tend to consider these games rather than paid ones. And that helps to drive around 85% of the industry’s total revenue. Plus, this strategy made some of the games possess a massive profit.
Gamers With Disabilities
There are around 46 million disabled gamers. All over the world, many people have specific disabilities. And that is the reason several disabled people choose to play games. In addition, many people have trouble getting outside. So, gaming becomes the best option for them. And they are non-strenuous as compared to other activities.
However, a few issues get in the way of playing games as it needs hand/eye coordination. But developers are finding solutions for that. Several improvements are taking place to help disabled gamers. Yet, there are a few issues that might never get solved.
Games as Stress Buster
Gaming statistics is not only about sales numbers and other figures. It also comes with several benefits. Mental health is one of the benefits that come along with it.
According to the 2019 ESA survey, 78% of American gamers play games because of mental stimulation. People said they give little or more time to gaming. And the reason was that it helps them to relax and manage stress.
Parents Thinking Towards Games
It might sound funny, but some parents think games can be educational for their children. Around 74% of parents want their children to indulge in gaming.
And the role of games in some families has changed. Furthermore, around 57% of parents play video games with their children on a weekly basis.
82.98 Billion Game Downloads in the Year 2021
People download dozens of apps each year, and likewise, they download different games. And most of the time, people search for the right game. In that case, they jump around to a variety of games. Therefore, the average life of mobile games is not very long. People download the games, play them once and uninstall them.
3.7 Billion Gamers in 2023
Current estimates say that we can see around 3.7 Billion mobile game players in the year 2023. Many people are getting smartphones. And with that, the games are becoming accessible.
The social factors are appealing as well. It is quite tough to trace the exact number. However, the exact total will vary from around 3.7 billion. So, gaming is becoming a gateway for more people.
Gaming will be an inevitable part of the future. The demographics of gaming are expanding every other day. Well, we hope you have got a clue about the further statistics.